Estas propostas surgem integradas no programa RIS3, leia-se Estratégia de Investigação e Inovação para a Especialização Inteligente.
A Fonte Travel, do grupo Fonte, vê assim confirmada a sua aposta inovadora na promoção do cluster de ilhas Triangle | The Azores através de portais especializados (Fayal, Pico e São Jorge), dirigidos ao consumidor final dos mercados americano e canadiano.
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Clusters: The Azores future
The Regional Secretary for Science and Technology said recently at Faial that the clustering of the Azores is the way forward for development in strategic areas like fishery, sea, agriculture, livestock, agro-industry and tourism.
These proposals come integrated in RIS3 program: Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation.
The FONTE TRAVEL and the FONTE brand see confirmed its innovative enterprise promoting/selling the island cluster Triangle | The Azores. Through specialized websites (Fayal, Pico and Sao Jorge), targeting the final consumer of the American and Canadian markets.
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